BLE with OpenLog Artemis (+ IMU)?


Though the OpenLog has the Artemis BLE module attached, it is not immediately apparent to me that it has all the libraries present to do BLE. The boards manager doesn’t have an OpenLog board in it, though I am able to upload Blink and several other basic examples with (I think it was “Artemis MicroMod” selected). In the general guides for the Artemis, there is a short tutorial for working with BLE using the ArduinoBLE library, but I found that that fails to upload with any of the available boards. Throwing the error (I’ll spare you ALL the output):

c:\Users\Drew\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoBLE\src/BLETypedCharacteristics.h:60:65: error: template argument 1 is invalid
 class BLEWordCharacteristic : public BLETypedCharacteristic<word> {

Further up in the error message I’m seeing “Error while detecting libraries included by c:\Users\Drew\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoBLE\src\utility\HCIUartTransport.cpp”

Any help would be appreciated. Using the board for logging to SD has been a breeze, but it is unfortunately time to migrate to BLE.

Many thanks,


I don’t believe BLE is made available on that board (scroll a bit past “Option 12” here … ation…it mentions needing a separate bluetooth TX) :-/

This is such a bummer. The chipset from Artemis is clearly enabled with BLE. I find this so curious. The OpenLog also says it has BLE on the website, but then there is no library for it.

(That link was broken, FYI).