OpenLog transmit data via bluetooth to android device

Hi, I am pretty new to all this and have a question. I have a SparkFun OpenLog Artemis, I have updated it to the latest version v1.10 and was able to see the data on the sd card and via arduino terminal.

What I would like to achieve is - transmit the data via bluetooth to an android device. I looked into different articles like this - … etooth-led. Tried with the nRF app, but the OLA does not show in the list of devices.

How do I do that? Does the OLA transmit something by itself or I need to connect to it a bluetooth module? What would be the easiest solution?

Thanks a lot

Thanks for reaching out to us on this.

It should appear as a device named “LED” - please make sure you have reset the baud rate to 9600 beforehand, per the instructions…make sure step #6 is working correctly before proceeding, and report back if not (but starting over from the beginning might be the best next step!)

Hope this helps, and happy sparking!

As far as I know OpenLog does NOT support BLE. It runs on 1.2.1 which does not include a BLE-stack.

It looks like the openlog artemis can stream data out it’s TX pin. Perhaps you could connect an external bluetooth module to that to send data to your phone?


This is the OpenLog module, which I have and it says that it supports BLE, also the firmware I installed has it. I am not sure why it is not displayed on the mobile device in the list of bluetooth devices. … okup-guide

I tried with the LED example, indeed it worked, showing me the device, but that was it, it seems the logging functionality got lost after I uploaded the LED example (perhaps it got overwritten)?

I will keep trying, though I am not sure at the moment what is a good way to make this work.

Hi vesich.

While the Artemis module on the Artemis Openlog does have Bluetooth capability, the firmware on the board doesn’t enable it. There are plans to enable Bluetooth in a later firmware release but for now you will either need to modify the firmware to add that or connect an external Bluetooth transceiver if you want to add wireless to the device.

If you’ve uploaded your own code to the board, that would have overwritten the existing firmware, please see the [hookup guide for information on putting the logger firmware back on the board.](OpenLog Artemis Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)

Thanks a lot TS-Chris, your answer clears many things I had questioned myself.

So as I understand, one way is to modify the open source firmware to add BLE functionality myself (this would be of a learning curve for me, I am a developer, but not into hardware).

Or wait for BLE being added in later releases (do you know when this could roughly be?)

The last option for adding a Bluetooth transceiver, do you have some suggestions (something like plug and play)? It is my first time ever touching arduino and such modules.


So as I understand, one way is to modify the open source firmware to add BLE functionality myself. Or wait for BLE being added in later releases (do you know when this could roughly be?)

I’m not sure where that is on our list of things to do right now or when it’s going to happen unfortunately. :frowning:

The last option for adding a Bluetooth transceiver, do you have some suggestions (something like plug and play)? It is my first time ever touching arduino and such modules.

We don’t have anything plug and play but you could configure the OLA and a [BlueSMiRF silver to work together. I don’t have a guide specifically for that but the [BlueSMiRF hookup guide along with the OLA hookup guide should get you most of the way there.

(Keep in mind the BlueSMiRF is a classic Bluetooth device and not a BLE device. If you need BLE, it’s possible to add a different board that has BLE capability but that’s going to get complicated really quick.)](](

Hello everyone, I would like to ask about what is the status with the BLE support of the open log artemis? I see that version v2.0 opens the possibility of BLE support. What does it mean? All I want to do is to connect the OLA to a device (preferrably a mobile one) without a usb cable and displaty the data on it.

Is it possible with its current state and latest firmware? Are there any other ways?