Bluetooth Device Selection

Hello, I’m trying to find a solution for this problem. I need a device that will appear as a bluetooth mono headset and give me the audio from the headset out in any format (PCM, analog signal, whatever). I do not care about sending audio back (so microphone input doesn’t matter). I would also like it to be small, sourcable in small and large quantities, cost less than $20-30, and be easy to work with.

I am looking at CSR’s Bluecore line of products, but their software complexity is intimidating, not to mention the hundreds of external components they need and the 2-3 languages and custom $1k+ IDE needed to use the damn thing. Also, their BGA packages are really hard to solder (but that’s not the dealbreaker).

Does anyone have any suggestions of simple chips or modules that have this functionality? If it has on onboard micro, that’s fine, but I’d prefer to find a cheaper one w/o it.

I have been thinking that buying a cheap bluetooth mono headset and ripping out its guts would be easiest, but I feel like that’s not repeatable and it doesn’t lend itself to becoming a saleable product, as I think my idea might be able to become.



If you are confident your idea is commercially viable and you can protect the design and patents, then ignore the detail of the final detail design.

BGA, lots of components, IDE costs are for a later stage. If volume is sufficient, all this falls into place. Concentrate on end user design and function.

Where do you want to go next with your design ? Are you looking for investment? market? patent protection ? Focus on that and do not over optimise at this stage.

A proof of concept based on a headset may achieve your initial goal. Modules like those from Bluegiga may appear expensive for the POC, but they are just the same cheap CSR chips with an easy introduction.