Bot the full size version of the BMP581 along with raspberry pico W.
I am brand new to the Arduino world and microcontrollers and as fair warning - my computing skill set is limited.
Here is what I’ve done so far:
Installed the latest Arduino IDE on Windows 10
got Blink to work
installed the BMP581 library
soldered BMP581 directly to pico w. Since the pico w does not have qwiic connectors, I cut a qwiic cable and soldered the ends directly to the board. red wire to 3.3v out, blue to GP0 (SDA),
yellow to GP1(SCL), black to GP3(GND).Red LED on BMP581 is ON…
When I try to upload the BMP581 (sketch?) it say something about resetting COM1
converting to uf2, output size…
no drive to deploy
I’m guessing that no drive is referring to the D: RP2 drive in windows explorer.
OK. I tried that and put the pico w into boot mode (pushed the button) and tried uploading.
Didn’t get very far…all it did was create a new .uf2 file.
Tried for hours, days googling for solutions.
Am I missing something obvious?
Any help, assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Somehow, I don’t know how…I’ve got a temperature reading in the serial monitor. It might be because I either changed to a different COMM port or uploaded a sketch from another library rp2040 to monitor the internal pico temp sensor.
I uploaded Example1_BasicReadingsI2C.ino and am getting these repeated errors:
Error:BMP581 not connected, check wiring and I2C addresses!
Either the wiring is incorrect as the error says but in the pinouts I have noted there are two I2C channels. I am using I2C CHANNEL 0. based on the two I2C pins I used pin 0 and pin 1.
I tried modifying the sketch to use the secondary address but I get the same error.