Board to output pseudorange and carrier phase for ionosphere study


I am trying to study the electron content in the ionosphere by exploiting the difference in phase shift in the two bands (one at 1575 MHz and the other at 1176 MHz). I’m currently using a bladeRF SDR but that’s kind of overkill. Going forward, I’d like to miniaturize the system. Which SparkFun boards can output pseudorange and carrier phase data to an Arduino ?


So L1/L5
Perhaps based on NEO-F10T, NEO-F9P-15B or ZED-F9P-15B

Thanks, but where do you find the info about if it supports pseudorange and phase data? I can’t seem to find their documentation.

Support of UBX-RXM-RAWX and RTCM3 Output
Carrier Phase output under features

If UBX-RXM-MEASX outputs what you need, the list is broader