BOB-12731 DTE or DCE?

I’m trying use the BOB-12731 USB to serial board to connect to a Satelligent Iridium modem carrier board to allow communications via USB instead of the provided RS-232 serial. The carrier board is specified as being DCE. What does the FTDI chip on the BOB-12731 present as, DCE or DTE? I’ve tried both and not received any comms back from the modem to my AT commands, but it would help to narrow the problem if I knew what the USB board serial side was considered.


They’re really just cabling terms. Just make sure transmit is connected to receive and vice versa. I’ve often found the hardware handshaking lines aren’t needed.

Hi Brian.

DTE and DCE refer to how you wire a connector to the board. The board itself really isn’t either but has the capability of being whichever you need depending on how you make your connections.