can an LED be powered by a passive RFID TAG?

Is it possible to connect a small LED to a passive read/write RFID tag… eg

in such a way that the LED could be powered by the RFID signal alone, similar to the NFC nail stickers… eg

but rather be turned on/off remotely by the RFID reader with antenna from a few feet away? … eg

I’ve believe similar tags are available elsewhere online for warehouse item management/locating. eg … 47153.html

Any suggestions on how this might be achieved would be greatly appreciated!

The only ones I know about … nsors/led/ Yuo can not switch them ON/OFF as they do not have a battery.

The tags on Alibaba that you reference are battery-assist passive (BAP). The specifications state: Replacement Battery Life: 3years+ (Depends on operation also)

Thanks! Yes that link seems to be exactly what I’m looking for… just a shame its so expensive! Hopefully something similar will enter the hobbyist market eventually…