Can I get fast relative GPS accuracy w/RTK?

Hi, I am less interested in absolute GPS accuracy and more in relative GPS accuracy.

My ublox GPS receivers are getting about +/-10 meter horizontal accuracy. I have them talking over LORA radio. So sending them RTK correction data may be possible. I think I can buy a sparkfun ZED-F9P and send them RTK correction data. But I’d like to do this fast. I want the ZED-F9P to send out RTK right away. I am willing to sacrifice knowing the absolute GPS positions of the “rover” ublox GPS receivers. But I want to know where they are down to sub meter coordinates with respect to one another. Like with in minutes after activating the ZED-F9P to send out RTK correction data.

This isn’t talked about in all the RTK literature I’ve read so far. So I’m wondering if it is possible?


Hi st2000,

A pair of ZED-F9P’s will provide you with RELPOSNED (RELative POSition North East Down) data. This application note from u-blox explains how it works: … 093%29.pdf

RELPOSNED is one of the messages supported by our u-blox library: … o-messages

Best wishes,
