I’m having issues getting the RTK-GPS system with the ZED-F9P to receive the advertised accuracy:
I have setup the two ZED-F9P units in u-center, following the setup from "ZED-F9P Integration Manual (pg. 96-104),” which can be found here: https://www.u-blox.com/sites/default/fi … 802%29.pdf. I have set the system up using I2C as the transmission means, not UART1. ZED-F9P is connected to the RedBoard via Qwiik connect, with a XBee Expansion board and XBee Pro Module used as communication between the Rover and Base (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Rover Setup with I2C
The base station, that is on a tripod with a base plate, is using the code based on the following example:
I am able to see the bytes being transmitted from the base station. I am passing the correction data across XBee through I2C and using the “pushRawData” method to update position. I was expecting to be able to get the resolution advertised with a base station and rover, yet I am not getting what I was expecting.
I have tried multiple builds on the Rover from the examples provided (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_u- … es/ZED-F9P). I need accurate latitude, longitude and altitude, yet none of these seem to work as expected:
The system receives Latitude, Longitude and Altitude position. However, I am getting > 5 m deviation. The data taken below is from a stationary rover sitting next to the base station. The data is varying randomly within a 6.56 m circle (see Figure 2 below).
Figure 2. Position Deviation showed by Max & Min points
Can you please give me advice on what I may be missing?