Can you use the Qwiic system to speak to 2 servo Phat?

Hi. Is it possible to use the qwiic system to communicate with 2 servo Phat’s ( DEV-15316 )on a raspberry pi. If so how do you go about controlling individually? I have 2 connected up now but when I tell a servo to move the servo on the both boards move. I see the chip pca9685 can have the bus address changed. I see on an Adafuit unit you can set the bus address with jumpers but can’t see the same on the sparkfun equivalent. Any help would be much appreciated.

Hey there,

I believe it is mentioned in the [hookup guide, the I2C address is hardwired and is only software configurable for that product. Unfortunately, I don’t think the I2C address gets stored; therefore, to use both servo pHats, you’d need to configure the I2C address of the 1st before attaching the second.

That being said, the [Zio servo controller can be used as an additional servo controller. It utilizes the same chip and has jumpers exposed to modify the I2C address. You can use the 5V and GND connections from the “RVR UART” pins to power the Zio board.](Zio 16 Servo Controller (Qwiic) - ROB-16773 - SparkFun Electronics)](Pi Servo pHAT (v2) Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)

Thanks for that. Unfortunately I’d want to be able to turn this on and off without having to setup each time. The Zio appears to be the answer. Doesn’t look like they are available in the Uk so think I’ll have to go another route. Shame really as the servo phat has great features maybe this should be considered on the next version.