I recently ordered and received (2) of these units. I currently have a project that I am using a Yamaha IR remote control and it works just fine. Problem is. it is too big and bulky. Using the same sketch that the Yamaha works with, I cannot get the sketch to recognize anything sent with the COM-14865. I am using the TSOP38238 IR receiver. Below is a snipit of the code I am using:
#include <IRremote.hpp>
if (IrReceiver.decode())
IrReceiver.resume(); // Enable receiving of the next value
if (IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command == 0x9D && Last_Command != ‘1’)
Ensure the battery is good; does it operate with a normal arduino sketch? https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ir … 1653495744
Ensure the battery is good; does it operate with a normal arduino sketch? https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ir … 1653495744
Thank you for responding.
The battery is brand new and I checked the voltage.
The code in the guide you refer to is useless and needs to be updated since the method shown has been depreciated.
As stated, the method I am using work great with the Yamaha remote so it would seem that the code I am using and the hookup I used is proven to work.
OK, I have made a little progress in testing these remotes… basically, they are not acceptable. The reason I could not get any response from them is… they have an effective range of about a 1 foot! I was testing with them (I purchased two) from a distance of about 2-3 feet. No response at that distance. Even then I get unpredictable results. As an example, often times if I hold the remote right side up (and close) I get a response but if I maintain that distance and hold it upside down… no response (loose battery connection?)
So I was a little confused about how to report this and effect a refund. As I understand it, this forum is monitored by Sparkfun. If so please respond.
This is just as a placeholder: Handled via email for refund