Cellular Notecarrier

I am thinking of using the cellular notecarrier with an ESP8266 to send alarm texts to a Verizon iPhone when any of a group of Onewire temp sensors exceeds a threshold. Has anyone out there used one of these? A search here didn’t find any hits.


Yes I got one a few weeks ago. The process is fairly straightforward to setup and stream to their hub, although some of the docs are conflicting or out of date. It’s a neat board in general and more compact than it looks.

As a general comment the documentation is fairly polished but it’s hard to find a good overview of certain operations, or of the general concepts governing recommended usage or how the board works - presumably this will improve with time

Also, I’m not sure what the status of this is, but be aware too before you waste time debugging it that there’s a flaw in the layout of the original PCB where it’s impossible to switch to the internal sim without removing one of the onboard resistors. This fixes the symptoms but I’m not sure if there are other implications of doing so - apparently sparkfun are working on an update.

https://discuss.blues.io/t/sparkfun-boa … work/384/2

Last but not least be aware too that the minumum data transaction increment to sync with their servers is somewhere in the region of 1kB, so budget accordingly - you wouldn’t want to be sending any more than ~100 updates a day to stay within the original data allocation

Also I should add that their support both on email and through the forum was prompt and helpful both before and after I purchased the board - they seem genuinely interested in backing the product.