LTE M1/NB-Iot Board


I was going through your query about sparkfun lte and it’s really over for me.

But I am also struggling with this sparkfun and I am trying make simple project of sending sms by using arduino but I Don't know why it’s not going on.

I mean I have hooked up arduino to sparkfun but I am not sure I am doing Right or not.

Could anyone here give me any information about this will be appreciated


Check out our hookup guide … 1615791300 that covers how to begin using that device - the first example code that is run is a sendSMS example :smiley:

Best of luck!

I have checked this topic so many times

I have done what can I do

But Dnt understand why network led is not glowing

Connected arduino board to shield

Using 5v, gnd, vin and Tx , rx, pin5,6,8,9

Upload the oo- register code

Open serial monitor and stuck at intializing lte shield

It may take 25 secs if it’s off or 5 secs if it on

That’s all

Something is preventing your board from registering on the cellular network. You will need to contact your cellular provider to see what is causing the issue on their end.

Same problem here, this is not a problem of the network, this is a problem that the module is not responding to the AT commands or is not even power on. Is the board broken beacouse I cannot explain this otherwise…

It sounds like you have a defective board andres; head over to if purchased from us or contact vendor for replacement if purchased elsewhere