Wow, what luck. I found how to get Ares to perform the proper files.
Maybe there’s a better way to do it, but, this works.
When you output to Gerber, select Open in GERBERVIEW in the lower left hand check box.
When Gerberview opens, these are the Gerber files opened in Ares again.
On the left side of the screen, click the fat yellow T or ZONE MODE
In the column on the just to the right of the fat T, still on the left side of the screen, you will see TRACES at the top and all traces are listed below.
You will note that the “stroke filled” polygon styles D## are listed as TRACES, these are called Aperatures by the Bot, but the ## of the error listed by the Bot is the same. In my case, the power planes were D15 or D16.
Click each one in the TRACES window, then click the E (edit) button at the top of the box, just to the left of the window title: TRACES
A very small new window will open: EDIT TRACE STYLE
Under NAME box, which say D##, is the WIDTH box - this number should not be less than “8th”, if it is less, change it to 8th. Under CHANGES, check the radio button Update Defaults
Click Ok.
Check each of the D## styles new to the Gerber. I found two listed as 2.5th and one as 7th.
Changing these number, then updating defaults seems to change ever .0025 trace into a .008 trace. There are still thousands of overlaping traces, but, it checks out with the bot .
Now, what I did was to save this new Ares file as (FILENAME)_BPCB then I re-generated Gerber files and submitted these to the BOT and the order is placed! It remains to be seen if I actually get it.
It took hours to figure out, but when I started resizing the traces, I did one by mistake and hit the UNDO button, and the computer crashed. The DRC was running on every single one of the .0025 traces. Luckily my board is only 1" x 1.5 inches!
What else was I going to do? Watch American Idol?
Good luck