Coding for multiple sensors in Arduino IDE

I’m using a redboard soldered to a qwicc shield. The two sensors are the AS7263 infrared spectrometer and the MAX3010x pulse oximeter and heart rate monitor. I’ve done some research and seen the way to code for multiple sensors is to assign each one to a specific pin. Both of the sensors I’m using are connected through I2C, and I’m not sure if each I2C connection has a specific pin designation. The sensors can be connected in a “slave” configuration or into separate I2C ports. Any advice on how to write code so both sensors produce output in the serial monitor would be appreciated.

You just find their respective default i2c addresses (either from datasheets or hookup guides on the product pages) and then write functions in code that use those addresses, then combine your code(s) … okup-guide

Here’s a general guide for i2c that might eb helpful to read first

Side note: you’ll likely need to disable the i2c pull-up resistors on all except one sensor/device on the bus