Hi guys,
For my thesis I have been using the MAX30105 and VEML6030 for sensor validation purposes.
I am now at a stage where I would like to interface both these sensors for simulateneous readings.
However, I am unsure about two things:
With other sensors you generally interface the analog read code off an analog pin such as A0-A5. How does this work with the I^2C capability of these sensors. To connect these two sensors all I had to do was connect SCL, SDA, Power and ground. How can I change the default code provided for these sensors to incoporate them both at once?
Touched on above, how must i tweak the code to read multiple sensors at once? Is this possible? I tried to combine the two codes and recieved a buffered response of an initialising message and that was it.
I believe this is because the MAX30105 tempoerature sensor uses 9600baud and the VEML6030 utilises 115200 baud.
I have attached the code below.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Code.pdf (15.2 KB)