Hello all. I bought the sparkfun max30101 sensor original one and used the 4 SDA, SCL, Vcc and GND pins after soldering to use with a normal arduino UNO. However when i connect the sensor and run the library provided for max sensor in arduino it constantly indicates issues with wiring and none of the leds light up. Note I am not using the Qwiic wires, just the normal SDA,SCL soldered pins.
I tried to read the address of the 12c connected chip. it shows me 0x55. however I found that the default should be 0x57. Is it normal.
To double check I tried connecting it to oscilloscope too and I am able to see the signals.
I even tried updating the code to work with 0x55 instead of the default 0x57 but still got the same issue.
I used 3 different sensors from MAX 30101 and all of them are reading 0x55.
I made sure to try different arduino and all are functioning fine and all UNOs have SDA SCL in A4 and A5.
What could be possibly wrong