Max30105 Particle SPO2 Sensor (Example 7)


In the Max30105 Arduino Library. what i s Example 7 Basic Readings Interrupts supposed to do? I have the breakout board connected to an Arduino UNO as follows:

Max301505 to Arduino Pin

+5V to +5V


SDA to A4

SCL to A5

INT to D3

I see readings continuously in the Serial output, but I never see any sort of interrupt occurring. I have tried putting my finger to the sensor and waving my hands above it, but no interrupt.

All of the other examples (Proximity, Heart Rate, sp02, etc.) work fine for me. Can anyone tell me what exactly one should do for the INT to trigger on this example?

Hi fourstix.

I’m seeing the same thing here but I’m not sure what’s causing it. Would you mind posting an issue in the github repo for what you’re seeing? That will alert the author of the code that there’s a problem and they can look into it.

Thanks, and have a great weekend!