Connecting two VL6180X sensor with Arduino

Hello, this may be a question have been answered, but I do not understand the answer clearly. I am trying to use 2 SparkFun ToF Range Finder Sensor - VL6180 - SEN-12785 - SparkFun Electronics on a single Arduino Uno R3 board.

I understand that I need to change the address on one of the boards, assuming by connecting one boards (or both?) GPIO 0 to one of the digital pins with the sensor.changeAddress(SensorAddress) command? and would all SCL and SDA pins connect to the same analog input pins? or can I connect them to different analog input pins? May be a circuit diagram will be helpful.

Also, from the hook up guide, it says I need to remove the solder jumper, does that mean I should remove the solder between PU and EN on the board?

You’d use this line SparkFun_ToF_Range_Finder-VL6180_Arduino_Library/src/SparkFun_VL6180X.cpp at master · sparkfun/SparkFun_ToF_Range_Finder-VL6180_Arduino_Library · GitHub to set it to something other than 0x29 (default)

Not sure what you mean about the analog input pins, but yes they would share the same power, GND, SDA and SCL line (constituting the i2c bus)…plugged into the same on the R3

Yes about PU-EN…disable one sensor’s by de-soldering and leave the other intact

Thank you for the help.

The hock up guide connect the SCL and SDA to A0 and A1 on Arduino. I will use a bread board to complete the connection. But, do I need to connect the IO0 pin as well in order to assign the address? Or just the SCL and SDA connection would be enough?

I will unsolder the PU-EN pin on one board.

No, Yes

Got it. Thanks. I will give it a try once I have the other range finder in hand.