DataLogger IOT 9DOF Problems with Thermocouple MCP9600

I am trying to get the DataLogger IOT 9DoF logging temperature with the SparkFun Qwiic Thermocouple Amplifier - MCP9600 board. It seems that the DataLogger is not automatically detecting the board. I have tried resetting and changing the firmware multiple times and have gotten nowhere. I have replaced the Qwiic cable and different connects, and there is no effect. I have a BME680 board connected that seems to recognize no problem.



Try disabling the i2c pull-ups resistors…any change?

Do you have a different board (other than the logger) that you can test the sensor with?

How would I go about doing that? I would prefer not to unsolder the two resisters on the thermocouple board. I do have a BME680 board, and it seems to work fine.

Never mind, I found how in the hook-up guide linked below. However, I did not remove the I2C pull-up resistors but cut the address jumper and soldered a 43K ohm resistor on one of the thermocouple boards. The setup now works with two thermocouple boards and a BME680 board. It seems there is some problem with addressing the thermocouple boards or how they are read. At least, that’s what it looks like to me right now. … okup-guide

