DE2120 barcode scanner connecting GPIO to UART


I’d like to write a program where the scanner gets triggered by a python call.

So I tried connecting the GPIO pins to the UART pins:

DE2120 3.3V —> pin 1 (3.3V)

DE2120 RX —> pin 8: GPIO 14 (UART TX)

DE2120 TX —> pin 10: GPIO 15 (UART RX)

DE2120 GND —> pin 6: GND

I can’t seem to be able to connect to the device in any way though. What am I missing?

Also, when I try putting 3.3V on the “TRIG” pin, nothing happens.

(when I put 3.3V on the STAT pin, the LED on the board starts tot shine though)

Did you scan the configuration barcodes to enable serial? If I recall correctly, the scanner defaults to USB HID. Also, make sure your baud rates match between the scanner and your code.

Yes I did. I have the impression though that the Python libraries only support USB mode, but I’m not sure (as this is my first time playing with this board, and I’m pretty new to the game)