(DE2120) Configuring 2D barcode scanner to work over UART(TTL)

Hi there,

We are planning to order a bunch of these for our production testers. The modules will be connected to an MCU over UART. In the hookup guide, it is mentioned we have to scan the POR232 barcode to enable it to operate in TTL mode. Does this mean, it won’t respond to any commands received from the mcu until it is scanned POR232 barcode manually?

Is there any way to get it working via UART in TTL mode by default i.e. without someone having to manually scan the POR232 barcode for the mcu to be able to talk to it?

Please advise.



You need to scan the barcode to set UART, once done, it will stay in UART.

(Assuming it’s like most barcode scanners anyway)