USB to TTL Mode for 2D Barcode Scanner


I am having trouble switching the barcode scanner from USB to UART mode programmatically (without scanning the barcodes in the manual). Is there a way to keep the barcode scanner permanently in UART and/or when in USB mode, automatically switching to UART? I’m currently using C in Keil Uvision.

Thanks in advance.

You could just edit some code to apply the desired settings; see … ttings.ino … no-library Also see the list of functions you can pass to the device here


I’m writing code in C using Keil uvision. So far, I tried using HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart6, (uint8_t*)“^^ POR232", strlen("^^ POR232”)) or HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart6, (uint8_t*)ttlModeCommand, strlen(ttlModeCommand)) where const char* ttlModeCommand = “AT+TTL\r\n” but that does not seem to work. Do you have any insight?