DE2120 is not switching to TTL/RS232 Comms

My BCS is connected to a micro via UART at 3.3V. I have one BCS that works. Unfortunately, there is no barcode to scan to dump that BCS’s current settings. Supposedly, I only need to scan the POR232 barcode to switch comms from USB to serial, but that alone does not get the BCS to transmit. On the BCS that works, it appears the BCS pulls its TX pin high on powerup. That is not happening on other BCSs when I scan the POR232 barcode. Do I need to scan other barcodes to get RX/TX working? I even pulled TX high with a 20K resistor, but there is still no data on the line.
New Info: I can send serial commands to successfully trigger a scan, but no data comes back on the TX line.

Double check your wires/cables/soldering…if those appear good start here 2D Barcode Scanner Breakout Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn to test the basic functionality, and then I’d suggest poking through the manual…you might needs to enable a trigger setting in addition to the POR232 scan (pg 24), be sure to match your baud settings on the following page as well

The problem appears to be a hardware issue on the BCS TX line on my board . The same BCS, reprogrammed only with POR232 works on another of my boards. Thanks for you feedback.