Dead Olimex LPC2478 Dev Board

I bought the development board from Olimex but it doesn’t output

anything during u-boot. Trying to reflash u-boot (over the serial port) results in a communications error.

Another odd thing that may be related. The unit seems to shut off after power is applied for 2 or 3 minutes.

Hopefully I’m missing something easy and the board is fine, but I’ve checked everything I can think of.

I’ve found a couple of my Olimex boards to be very fussy about power supplies. Some need 5V, others need at least 6V.

Also both of your problems seem to be serial port related, double and triple check baud etc.


The problem was definitely insufficient power supply current.

I was using the ARM-USB-OCD power output. When I plugged it into a different power supply everything came up fine.