Designing a PCB with only exposed copper pads and copper tracks connecting pad to pad.

I find it hard to make this type of pcb because in CAD you need components before proceeding to a layout on a board. but I wanted to make a pcb without components, only tracks, a bit like this picture. … -45-v2.jpg

thanks to anyone that notices :slight_smile:

Why not just design it with dummy components that have the correct footprints? There’s nothing that says you have to populate the board once it’s made.

Thank you for advice, I am current figuring out what dummy components to use since the pads I want to make are 1mm x 2mm in size and 1 mm away from each other. Also do you recommend making my own footprint if i can’t find dummy components? Thanks again, I appreciate your kindness :slight_smile:

Yes, I’d recommend making your own component/footprint. If I were to do this, I’d create two dummy connector components with a pin for each desired trace. One connector would have a footprint for pads on one side of the board and the other connector would have a separate footprint with pads for the other side of the board. The schematic would be simple - the two connectors with nets between them. Then to layout the board, I’d just place the two connector footprints on the correct sides of the board, route the traces, and send it to the fab house.