Different MAG readings on two computers using ICM20948 py

I have installed smbus and ICM20948 i2c python3 wrapper on two ubuntu machines. IMU readings are not the same when I run examples on these two machines. In specific, magnetometer measurements is totally wrong on one of these machines.

What could be wrong here ?!

Differences in wiring, a different location, and the orientation of the sensor can change your readings.

Also, the computers you’re using are magnetic and those can influence your readings as well.

Those are obvious reasons and I’d expect you imagine I already have considered an identical test scenario. I installed IMU on a rigid solid stationary plastic body far from computers. USB cables (6 ft) transfers the data back and forth between IMU and machines. There is no change in orientation nor magnetic field. I am looking for library issues that could mistakenly interpret measurements.

Sorry, that’s all I can think of. :frowning: