Does PRT-10561 coper tape have non-conductive adhesive?

Dear SparkFun and forum members,

I am looking for a copper tape that has non-conductive adhesive (to make a touch sensor). I believe PRT-10561 is the one I am looking for as, 1) there is other SparkFun product that specifically says that it is conductive (PRT-13827), and 2) there are other sites explaining that PRT-10561 is non-conductive ( … e-5mm-50ft, … -tutorial/). I would like to make sure, however, that it is truly so before ordering it. I would very much appreciate a confirmation by the SparkFun staff or someone who has an experience with the product. Thank you in advance!

  • kida

Hello kida.

PRT-10561 has non conductive adhesive. Only the copper tape we carry that comes on green spools is conductive. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for the confirmation! I ordered a few.