DS18B20 on weatherbit returns 85 or 127 degrees

Hi, I’m trying to construct a weather station for didactic purpose, but the soil temperature sensor doesn’t work properly: it shows random values and then it shows only 127 degrees… I tried various solutions, I checked the wires if they were badly connected… Nothing of thes works. Someone has had a similar issue and has find a solution? It could be possible that the DS18B20 is malfunctioning? Thanks very much!

That’s weird.

If you disconnect the sensor all together, do you get the same result?

Is there a 4.7KOhm pull-up on the 1-Wire bus line?

That’s weird.

If you disconnect the sensor all together, do you get the same result?

I've tried with an Arduino, and the sensor works properly. Now I've tried using only this sensor on the weatherbit, and it's doesn't work yet... It still shows random values... I think there's some problem with the makecode library about the sensor.

Is there a 4.7KOhm pull-up on the 1-Wire bus line?

I don’t know, I think so… I’m using the sensor on the weatherbit extension