DS3231 RTC - how to set to 24 hour time?


I’ve got a DS3231 RTC working fine using RTClib.h

How do I set it to be in 24 hour clock mode? Seems RTC.h has a myRTC.setClockMode but I cannot figure out how to do this using RTClib.h



Thank you.

Seems if I really want 24h I’ll need to switch to the other library and adjust my code. Hopefully that is straight forward and easy enough to do.


Well that didn’t work. I tried the DS3231_Manual.ino example to access 24 hour time but upon compiling it said it wasn’t meant for my [RedBoard Turbo] SAMD board.

Is there a RTC library that supports 24 hour time that works on RedBoard Turbo?

Thanks in advance
