I am trying to hook up my SAMD21 mini breakout with the breakout board of the DS 3234 RTC https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10160
I know there is a RTC in the SAMD21, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to keep the clock running without powering the whole thing, so I am using this extra RTC to have an accurate date and time always, even if the board powers off and restarts.
SparkFun’s example sketch for the DS 3234 ran fine, but now I want to update the clock to have the exact time. I have used RTClib for this when using the the RTC DS_1307. However, RTClib does not include DS_3234 as a clock.
There is a library on github that adds the DS_3234 to RTClib (https://github.com/maniacbug/RTClib), however, I am running into trouble because this library calls “Serial” for things while the SAMD needs “SerialUSB”. If I change it, I get the error: “SerialUSB is not defined in this scope” but if I leave it as “Serial” it sends itself into some kind of loop while uploading (and takes so long that it will not successfully upload).
Any one else try working with these two items? Any advice? Thanks!!