Using the DeadON RTC with the Redboard Turbo

I have been working to get the DS3234 running on the redboard turbo.

I have installed the clock on several other boards and have it working.

I am using the fix “#define Serial SerialUSB //LIBRARY FIX for SAMD Turbo Board encoding” - this is working with every other library that i have tried thus far and when it has not i have just modified as needed.

the problem I encounter is only on the turbo and the error is repeatable with several different libraries for the DS3234.

When I use the serial print from the examples I all values return the number “165”

for example I have just downloaded the most recent version of a random library from gethub and the serial output is “2165.25.165 165:165:165” for every line when I run this on the turbo. when I rewire and comment out the serial line change to another board and everything is working i.e. getting current date and time values on the serial print.

any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated! a starting place would be great!

Unfortunately there are likely other things in the library for this part that need changed to work with the Turbo. The library for this was written before the Turbo or SAMD21 existed and it’s possible that the code compiles OK but doesen’t actually work correctly.