Duplicate library

I want to duplicate the 9 pin header(2.54mm spacing) in the sparkfun library because I want a new package for it. I need rectangular pads that is not trough hole. How can I do this in eagle?

I want to duplicate the 9 pin header(2.54mm spacing) in the sparkfun library because I want a new package for it. I need rectangular pads that is not trough hole. How can I do this in eagle?

I assume that you want an SMD part. In EAGLE’s library editor, use the SMD command instead of the PAD (through-hole) command. For a single row strip header, the odd numbered SMD pads will be on one side of the pin, and the even SMD pads will be on the other side of the pin, like this (only 4 pins shown):

← SMD pad

o o o o ← pins

← SMD pad

BTW - the dots are just there to line things up in the “drawing”. Note that the pins are shown for reference only (they could be in tDocu). They must not be in a copper layer (layer #1). Look in EAGLE’s con-molex.lbr for part number 74099-09 for an example.

I did use save as(well then the hole library was copied… shit happens). Then I realized I needed to delete the package connected to M09 the I could open the package and delete all the through hole pads and replace these with rectangular pads. Then I reassociated the device withe the updated package

Worked fine, but there is probably an easier way