Eagle, copper pads on screw holes?


I am using eagle pcb and I would like to have 4 holes for screws. I have seen on pcbs a small copper or silver pad that surrounds the hole meant for a screw to make contact with it. I have been able to create the hole in eagle and it seems to show up when i design it but when i send it to my manufacturer (gold phoenix) i get a hole with copper on the inside of the hole and not around the hole on the top and bottom layers. Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks!

Edit: Right on the front page, the HVPSU board, has what I am referring to: http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorial/news/B … Cover1.jpg

Have you checked the Gerber files?


Greetings (No First Name Supplied),

Hello,I have seen on pcbs a small copper or silver pad that surrounds the hole meant for a screw to make contact with it. I have been able to create the hole in eagle and it seems to show up when i design it but when i send it to my manufacturer (gold phoenix) i get a hole with copper on the inside of the hole and not around the hole on the top and bottom layers.

It would be helpful if you can

post your EAGLE design files here (or PM me).

The PCB artwork in EAGLE needs a schematic component

called “mounting hole” for each instance of the holes with

pads on your PCB. You may wish to connect these mounting

holes to your PCB’s common or ground net, or leave them

floating. Your EAGLE library should include holes.lbr


Edit: Right on the front page, the HVPSU board, has what I am referring to: http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorial/news/B … Cover1.jpg

Yes, good example! (And thanks for the recognition).

Comments Welcome!

Thank you! This part is exactly what I was looking for.