Eagle? : Copying artwork to make multiples on the same PCB

Well, I’m seemingly at the last hurdle. Everything looks good in the gerber viewer and so forth.

My board is only about 1"x1", so I want to have multiples on the same PCB. I think my problem might have arisen because I smashed everything in order to get the silkscreen off of the traces?

When I Group, Copy, CTRL right click, and then try to drag the artwork over to a new spot to be copied, I get the Can’t backannotate this operation. Please do this in the schematic.

any ideas?

See [this thread

viewtopic.php?p=47730](Copys in Eagle CAD - SparkFun Electronics Forum)

You made a good argument for using gerbmerge, so I’m going to try and use that. There is no way that I want it renaming my parts. the lettering is only 10mils high, but I should be able to see it under the scope when I’m assembling the board.

10 mils high lettering. That’s 1/100 of an inch. Given that printing is often 72 DPI, I suspect you will see nothing other that a few dots of paint, even with 100X magnification…

Great reasoning. Oh well, I could have made a lot of them quite a bit larger on some, but not all parts. I guess I’ll be assembling from a cheat sheet like I usually do. This will be my first board with silkscreen.

While were on the topic of gerbmerge…

Would it allow me to combine more than 2 designs at once? Or will I have keep merging each additional design to a master?

If you set up the input files right, you can merge as many designs and repeat them as many times as you want. I use gerbmerge to panelize my boards that I send to GP now, and it works really well. It’s a pain to get set up, though.

It’s actually pretty flexible. You can define how the different gerbers are placed with a very simple layout file.