Electret microphone breakout

Hi ,

How do I connect the Electret micorphone breakout’s +, - and sound to a TRS jack stick?

Best regards


There’s no set way to do this so you’re free to come up with your own standard but usually the sleeve is ground, the ring is positive and the tip is signal.

Hi TS-Chris,

Thank you. I will try that.


Hi TS-Chris,

Actually it is the receptacle that determines the connections? I am using a SIM900 phone.


Unfortunately I have no idea if our product will work with a SIM900, you’d need to consult with whoever makes that to find out if it will work and what the pinout is. If I had to guess, it’s probably designed to work with a standard computer microphone and you can get those at a computer store or a place like Best Buy. I’d try that first, it’s probably less expensive than connecting our product as well.

Hi TS-Chris,

I have connected a TRS jack (which I think was intended as a sterio jack - Tip and Sleeve as one channel and Ring and Sleeve as the other) to the IN-side of the amplifier and the OUT-side to the loudspeaker. It works in principle: I can hear the caller’s voice rather weakly. Unfortunately I have a RING-tone that is rather loud and which I cannot control (with AT+CRSL).

I thought that if I put in a potentiometer and increased the gain to match the RING-tone I could get them both at a reasonable level using the potentiometer.

Does that sound right?


I’m afraid I don’t have any recommendations for you as I’m not familiar with the SIM900.

I recommend asking the manufacturer for assistance.