Equivalent of Qwiic shield for Uno, for use with other 5 volt systems?

Does SparkFun have a board available that does what the Qwiic shield for uno does, but for other 5 volt systems? That is: a 3.3 volt supply, and level shifting of the I2C pins. I’ve done my due diligence, and looked all over the SparkFun site, but haven’t found anything. Thanks!

somthing like Qwiic Boost?

Thanks for the reply! The “boost” kinda’ does the opposite of what I’m looking for. Meanwhile, I found that adafruit has exactly what I need (Adafruit QT 5V to 3V Level Shifter Breakout - STEMMA QT / Qwiic : ID 5637 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits). I still would like to know if SparkFun makes an equivalent of this.

We have a few logic/level shifters, check out the links below

Thank you for the response! I’m looking for a board that includes a 5 volt to 3.3 volt supply, as well as pin level conversion, for use with Qwiic/I2C. I had already looked at all the boards you recommended. Only one of them includes 5 to 3.3 regulation, and it specifically does not work with Qwiic/I2C. I’m convinced that SparkFun doesn’t have the solution on a single board. I think I’ll have to use a separate regulator board (I have a SparkFun buck regulator that will work) and one of the level converters.

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Sounds good!