ESP32-C3 Pro Micro setup?

I’m trying to set up an ESP32-C3 Pro Micro following the directions in the hookup guide. Under Software Setup there is a set of directions for installing the sparkfun_pro_micro_esp32c3 variant folder into the variants folder on my computer. The directions say to drag and drop it over, but that only copies a shortcut file, not the actual variant folder. I have been unable to figure out how to copy over the variant folder itself. Any ideas?

It seems to be an issue with Github, as I have no trouble dragging and dropping folders otherwise.

I’m not sure why there isn’t a DL button on the github page for that folder; you could DL it from here … _arduino.h (down arrow on right side) and then after you have it DLed create a folder named ‘sparkfun_pro_micro_esp32c3’ and moving that over should work (placing the newly made folder with the filer in it into the variants folder)

Oh, I see I didn’t respond to this yet. Thanks - it worked. Much appreciated.