ESP32-C6 WRROOM programming troubles

The part is DEV-22924, I am using Arduino IDE to program it and was initially advised by Sparkfun to use the board designated as “SparkFun ESP32-C6 Qwiic Pocket”. OK, that works. But then updates came in and I found that “SparkFun ESP32-C6 Thing Plus” was now available. It compiles, but can’t download. Why not?

Another anomaly is that the Arduino IDE board info tells me that this is a “DFRobot Beetle ESP32-C3”, but I certainly can’t d/l sketches if I choose that board.

So I’ll stick with “SparkFun ESP32-C6 Qwiic Pocket”.

I’m able to run a simple hello sketch (it repeatedly prints message and a count every 2 seconds), but eventually it stops running - I just put a counter in the message for the most recent run, so I don’t yet know how long it will run this time.

I also have a sketch that queries a DHT22 and prints values. The first time I ran it, it quit after 3 loops. Since then I’ve never been able to get it to run more than once. Since this is the first time I’ve ever programmed an ESP32 and only the second time I’ve used Arduino IDE, I have no idea what to do to figure out the problems.

Did you install the alpha release? … are_setup/

Yes. And then a short while later I was told by Arduino IDE that there were updates available, so I took them, but did not pay attention to what I was getting. I am still seeing that I am using ESP32-C6 Qwiic Pocket.

Right now my main puzzle is that the DHT22 sketch will only run the loop once. I’ve put in enough print statements to see that the loop comes around for the second time and quits or hangs at the first attempt to read: dht.readHumidity()

I wonder if the Adafruit DHT lib has a problem with ESP32-C6?


Do you have another sensor or board you could test test one or the other with to try and rule them in/out as suspects?