SparkFun ESP32-C6 WROOM Qwiic Pocket with PlatformIO

I want to compile code for SparkFun ESP32-C6 WROOM Qwiic Pocket in VS Studio with PlatformIO. I don’t think the ESP32-C6 is currently supported in PlatformIO, but I don’t know anything about that, since today is the first time I’ve run VS Studio!

I’m able to compile some sketches with Arduino IDE, but I’m having compile failures with some pretty standard stuff (DHT22, DS18B20) and I want to use MQTT over TLS. The last need apparently will require me to code directly with esp-idf and I would rather use an IDE for grownups, hence VS Studio.

Can someone please tell me how I can use this SparkFun board with PlaformIO within VS Studio?

Some users had been discussing the PlatformIO compatibility with the ESP32-C6 here. You may find an alternative solution here. … rmio/31676