Hi, we’re using the 1 Channel Gateway https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15006 in hopes to listen to an Pro RF board using RadioHead. We are using several Pro RF boards and would like to collect lora data from them just using byte protocols not using LoRaWAN.
We can’t seem to find any tutorials on using radiohead with esp32 and curious if there’s a hardware limitation or if we can build off from the Pro RF example scripts?
I just posted on this same topic in this sub-forum. Were you ever successful in making this work? I got a bit along by porting the ProRF examples to the ESP32 Lora. One key change as detailed in my post is to change the chip select and interrupt pin numbers. It appears that they should be 16 and 26, respectively.
I am trying to make this work using the Radiohead library also. The hookup guide gives instructions on how to do this with the MCCI-Cantena library, but I was not able to determine what other changes to the code would be required for the Radiohead library, beside the pin numbers stated above.