Using an ESP32 LoRa 1-Channel Gateway with Radiohead library as a Point-to-Point receiver

I want to use my ESP32 LoRa 1-Channel Gateway as a receiver for several ProRF devices in point-to-point communication mode. I am using the Radiohead library as detailed in the ProRF hookup guide examples for point -to-point. In simplest terms, I am just trying to port code that works for communication between two ProRF devices to the ESP32 Gateway device, and use it between a ProRF and the Gateway.

It is obvious that the ESP32 Gateway uses different pins for chip select and interrupt than the ProRF. I have changed ship select to 16 and interrupt to 26 in this line from the ProRF hookup guide:

RH_RF95 rf95(16, 26);

The code compiles, but there is no transmission received.

Are the pin numbers incorrect, or are there other changes I need to make to the code to make the ESP32 Gateway act like the ProRF?

Success!! :smiley:

I am posting this reply in case anyone is reading this and trying to do the same thing with the Sparkfun ESP32 Gateway. I have now been successful in receiving a transmission on the device.

Getting the pins set right was key. Other than that I do not have an explanation as to why it was not working before and is working now. So ??? I made no further changes to the code, other than adding one serial print line for debugging purposes. Perhaps I was not starting the device properly.

Bottom line: go ahead and use the ESP32 Gateway as a point-to-point device with the Radiohead code if you want.