ESP32 + M138: GPS error 3

Hi! I’m testing a M138 with ESP32, using one of the samples from the “arduino Library”. I can communicate with the board, get its firmware version and so. But when I try to send a simple Hello World using the example sketch, I receive the error “Swarm communication error: 3: Communication timeout”.

I’m using an external antenna, installed on the roof, with no obstacules.

I’ll try to buy another antenna. Could someone give me another hint?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Cicarelli,

Apologies that you are having problems.

Other users have reported strange behaviour if the modem is not properly inserted into the M.2 connector. Please try loosening the screws by one turn, push the modem into the M.2 connector as far as the screws will allow, then re-tighten the screws. Does this help?

There is more information and discussion here: viewtopic.php?p=240356#p240356

Best wishes,
