ESP32 MicroMod immediate compile error with Arduino 2.2.1


I have the board set to Sparkfun ESP32 Micromod and an attempt to compile or verify immediately results in this error.

xtensa-esp32-elf-g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=gnu++2b’

Any ideas on what’s broken with my installation?



I have found that the Sparkfun ESP32 Arduino library has several shortcomings and has caused me different compiler errors. Instead, I use the standard ESP32 library by Expressif Systems installed with the IDE- boards manager. The latest version is 2.0.14. Just select the ‘Sparkfun ESP32 MicroMod’ and it all works.


I thing the magic step was to find a more recent json for the sparkfun esp32 boards.

I, too, have found that I have had some problems with SF libraries in the past but, generally, a lot more to like than dislike!

