esp32 thing - 2 questions

I have several of these Things and unable to find two simple items about the board.

First is what is the default, factory delivered partition scheme loaded on the brand new board and is this it:?

Espressif ESP32 Partition Table

Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags






No factory partition, only two ota partitions.

And the other, why do three of my Things require a Pin0 (boot0) button press to flash the flash but one Thing doesn’t need this? Started out normally with the required button0 press but what/how did this change?

Hmmm, have you updated the drivers for the CP2102 on your machine? Check out the link in the [hookup guide. That should help with the button press issue.

As for what partition scheme is on the board I am unsure, although I have a sneaking suspicion it’s that one, as I believe that’s how Arduino partitions the ESP32 by default, and we use Arduino’s default settings for our production self-test code.](ESP32 Thing Plus Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)