Factory reset of ESP32 Thing and Thing plus/Wroom

I am having difficulties with the WIFI on a couple of boards. I know it isn’t the software because uploading it on new boards (same types) works just fine, so it is likely to be the boards themselves.

I would like to ‘wipe them out’ and restore them to their factory defaults. I am on Windows, using the Arduino IDE. The two boards are ESP32 Things, and ESP32 Thing plus/wroom. Could anyone please point me to the procedure to wipe them clean, reload the firmware, etc?


I haven’t personally performed one, but there are some links near the end of our guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/es … leshooting that might be able to get ya started on flashing the firmware

Thanks. Lots of information indeed, but I cannot find the .bin for the Sparkfun boards I have:

WROOM: Chip is ESP32-D0WD (revision 1)

Thing: Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 1)

Are any of the ones they list compatible with those? Can’t find that information on their website!

Thanks again