ESP32 Thing Plus and SRTR


I’ve spend many hours trying to get the SRTR and ESP32 Thing Plus to play nicely together, but was thwarted by a Guru Meditation Error thrown by the Thing Plus which would then continuously reset. It happened whenever I would call a function from SRTR library that had serial communication with the SRTR (I replaced the softserial with Serial2.) I finally got it to work after rolling back the esp32 board definition to 1.0.5 in the Board Manager. This was the first one I selected after deciding to give up on the most recent one (2.0.4), so I’m unsure of what the most recent version that would work with the SRTR. I figured I’d pass this along as it seems like others are trying to connect the SRTR to the ESP32, and I could reduce their potential frustration.

Good luck!

The ESP32 board definitions (and more to-the-point, their OLDER files) can cause issues as the implementations change…thanks for sharing!

Side note: if the above tip doesn’t help, try wiping/reinstalling the arduino files/folders (including arduino15)

Got it. But in my case it was the opposite, with the OLDER files working instead of the NEWER ones.

I don’t see an Arduino15 folder, any clues on where it might be hidden?

The operating system hides them by default; do a search for “view hidden files” for your os (windows?) and then google “arduino15” to see its location, navigate there and bingo … yx1tKe4X3q