ESP8266 Thing Bricked?

I was working on my current project involving the 8266 and a light sensor. I was attempting to connect the light sensor to the VIN pin, through a resistor, and back to the GND pin on the board. When I did this, the the CHG led on the board light up, and now seems to be bricked. Switching off the power, and unplugging it have had no effect.

The board no longer responds over WiFi, the Arduino IDE reports it is unable to connect (invalid head of packet), and my serial basic’s RX LED lights up when it’s connected to the board.

Anyone know what I might have done, and how badly I’ve messed up? :shock:

I went through the troubleshooting guide here: … oting-tips

The board was cleaned up after soldering with some isopropyl alcohol. I’m certainly not an expert with regards to soldering, but this seemed to be a straight-forward job, and the board was working perfectly fine until I tried to hookup the light sensor to be read. So I’m relatively confident it’s not an issue with the headers I added.

Here are some current photos of the board in case that helps:

Plugged in:


Hi, thanks for posting.

Were you trying to make hardware connections between devices while the ESP8266 was powered? If so, a small jab with the wrong power or even ground on random parts or exposed connections on t he board can cause issues, including burning individual parts out, potentially.

Happen to know how much power the light sensor consumes? It is possible that it could have drawn too much power off of the ESP8266 module and caused something to burn out, too.

Also, what kind of power were you providing? VIN will usually output whatever the supply is providing.

Hey, thanks for getting back to me!

This is the the light sensor I am using: … 15__1_.pdf

It looks like the light sensor can take anywhere from 3-15V. The power was coming from a USB cable connected to my PC. It was also hooked up with a 100 kΩ resistor between the sensor and the GND pin.