I am using the ESP8266 WiFi shield (WRL-13287) with the Redboard turbo (DEV-14812). Initially I had difficulty with the sparkfun library not supporting the serial ports of the SAMD21 based board, but I was eventually able to modify the library and establish a connection to the ESP8266.
However, the ESP8266 power does not seem to be stable.
On most power ups the ESP8266 IC gets very hot. Measuring the 5V rail during this condition gives about 4.8V. The ESP8266 is unresponsive in this state.
Occasionally the blue stat LED will blink on power up, this appears to be a “good” power up, the 5V rail measures 5.0V, and the ESP8266 runs cool.
On two occasions I have been able to get the system to a solid blue LED and a confirmed connection to my network, using the ESP8266_Shield_Demo sketch. However, the board usually transitions back to the bad state before I can do anything useful.
From reading reviews of this product, it seems other customers have experienced the hot and unresponsive ESP8266. In my case, none of the pins appear to be shorted. All I can do is repeatedly power cycle the system and occasionally get a temporarily good power up. I have noticed that holding the redboard in reset appears to increase my chances of a good power up, opening the serial monitor almost always pushes the board into the bad state.
I have tried multiple USB power supplies and cables, with no change in results.
Unfortunately I do not have a scope to look at the power with.
What is going on here?