I have my Olimex SAM7x-256 board working now with Ethernut OS 4.2.1, ----niiice! -----. I had to make some changes to the at91_emac.c file as well as at91_spi.c, etc.
I do not have the Power down pin connected. It seems as soon as I connect it the rj45 rx/tx LEDs turn off and I loose my ethernet connection.
I must note that I have also noticed that if you have the test pin connected you loose information display on your hyperterminal connection, which has been a great help – by showing me the damn thing is alive!!
I have got ftp program working, but I would like to get the webserver working using the files in “httpd”.
Has anyone managed to make this work?
After I “make clean” using my winarm compiler in the command prompt, and then “make install” to compile/link and generate the magic .bin file i need, the following error is sworn at me:
C:\ethernut-4.2.1\nutapp-sam7x-gcc\httpd>make install
arm-elf-gcc -c -mcpu=arm7tdmi -Os -mthumb-interwork -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -
Wstrict-prototypes -fverbose-asm -Wa,-ahlms=httpserv.lst -DAT91SAM7X_EK -IC:/eth
ernut-4.2.1/nutbld-sam7x-gcc/include -IC:/ethernut-4.2.1/nut/include httpserv.
c -o httpserv.o
crurom -r -ourom.c sample
process_begin: CreateProcess((null), crurom -r -ourom.c sample, …) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [urom.c] Error 2
Is there something I have forgotten to do?
I am getting complaints about some file called urom.c as you can see above.